What Is The Secret

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Discovering the Secret

Its been about six months since my first encounter with The Secret (abit belated you might say, but if you have no thought of something in particular it will pass right infront of your nose without detection!), and I am only just now learning to separate substance from fluff on the internet.

So far, I think the easiest way to tell whether someone through their website is truly interested in you making real progress or they're just riding on the back of the law of attraction euphoria is to rate their offer. If they're offering vague advice or reproducing everything you've heard before, close that tab amd never look back.

However, if they have action-oriented suggestions that can start you off right away before purchasing a thing, you might be onto something.
Imagine my sceptism when I came across a website claiming that there was a 'flaw' in the movie, The Secret (then again I thought that could be the reason it has yet to work for me :))

Turns out it was John Assaraf, featured in the movie, making the claim. He's actually giving away a free DVD on the subject and you can get your own copy here. It comes accompanied with a workbook to get you started in the right direction by pretty much holding your hand.

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